23 December 2007

"Tongues on the sockets, of electric dreams.."

So this will be me rambling about movies.

I saw the Golden Compass, and it was good. There was nothing bad or anti religious or controversial in it. The people overreacted and I'm glad I saw it.

On Friday I saw National Treasure 2 with Tanner and Claire and we had to sit in the verry front row since it was opening night. The movie was really good. It was weird, almost everyone in the movie had really blue eyes. Me and Claire had to go to the bathroom really bad for like an hour during the movie but we were like "it's too actiony to leave!"

Also me and my mom rented Once, and it was really good. Surprisingly short, it was only 86 minutes. We also rented the Nanny Diaries, but didn't get to watch it.

I want to see all these movies, and I hope I do. :D

We made Christmas Cookies. Here's a picture of an incredibly amazing one.

And today I had a party a Noah's house with that group. :D I could only stay for like 3 hours cause I had to go to church..grr. Then I couldn't go back to the party. But it was fun and I pwned everybody at DDR except then Noah beat me by just a little.
I'm tired. Imma go take my contacts out. [:

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

I saw National Treasure yesterday and liked it more than I thought I would. I LOVE Once...LOVED it!!! I bought the music immediately!!! So good.
I am glad you saw the Golden Compass. All the overreation is a lot like the banned books you are reading. One person's opinion. When my kids were little, my church told us that Harry Potter was Satanic and to not let my kids read it! Of course, I am a rebel at heart and NEVER listen to stuff about FICTIONAL movies or books. You can look for the bad in everything or you can look for the good.
Anyway, I want to see PS I love you too. I am back to work this week (including Christmas day--ugh!) but want to try to see some movies too!
Merry Christmas