26 February 2007


Hello. Haven't posted for awhile. Well, I said yes(to the date) I guess I'll just see if it works out. We talked for the first time in a long time on aim.

I went to Big Bear. It snowed, but on the last day we were there. It was cool, cuz our car and everything got covered with white. :D I skiied for one day with my mom, but I kind of sucked since no skiing last year. I basically snowplowed a lot. D: Last time I went skiing I was able to do black diamonds..And all the runs were covered in snowboarders. I want to snowboard too.

AMERICAN IDOL~I've watched this season. My first time watching AI. :D I like. The guys I like are Blake, Sanjaya, and Phil. Rudy was good too, but he got cut. :( The girls I like are LaKisha, Jordan, Gina, and Sabrina. There's some more but I can't remember

I watched the Oscars. Missed the first hour, but watched the rest. I want to see Pan's Labyrinth. But it seems violent and scary and it willl probably disturb me greatly if I see it. But it looks so good! D:

OH! And here are some good sites that you should and have to look at.
bowtomemeatbag.com (CLICK PORTFOLIO)
rickgraves.com (I am in one of the 'Lifestyle' pictures and all the pictures are great)

So go view them. NOW. K? :3

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