04 October 2007

"I'm not sorry for staring.."

October-Halloween, dudes. Also Adam & Anthony's RENT run ends, Harley & Declan's begin.
November-National Novel Writing Month, Carakinz's birthday(well, and thanksgiving)
December-Some people's birthdays and Christmas, fool. I want to go to New York & see RENT this month.
January-..Er..New year? I also think my School House Rock performance is that month.
February-Sorry V-Day, you were too strange last year to make it on here.
March-My birthday! YAY And Marissa's, Claire's, Johnny's and more. Also Harley & Declan's RENT run ends.
April-Day Of Silence. It's rad. Get more info at dayofsilence.org. And Dad's Bday.
May-Noah's birthday. And probably more people's I can't think of.
June-Last school month, fo shoooo.
July-The fourth. wooooooexplosions. And Mom's & Randi's birthday.
August-Cami's birthday. More people's too.
September-Month we're in mow. And Luke's & Alex(B)'s bday.
I think I forgot 3567 people's birthdays.
I posted this because I'm bored and have nothing better to do. And maybe because I can't think of a regular blog. I just made a lot of typos.

1 comment:

Julie Hibbard said...

My birthday is May 19th.
You can blog about:
*what your novel will be about
*what you want to do after high school
*the first country you want to visit in Europe
*what kind of car you want to drive
*the best gift you ever received
*the one thing you would change in your life
*what kind of animal you would want to be
*one thing you would change about the world
*your favorite food, song, restaurant, beverage, subject in school
*what cartoon would you like to be in
*if you had $1millionQ...what would you do?
*if you could cure one disease, what would it be?
*if you could vote, who would you vote for.
OK...that's it for now.
Don't be bored! There's always something to do!!