28 June 2008

Those watermelon smiles just can't ripen underwater...

So the news is that Blake Bashoff & Kyle Riabko are gonna be on the Spring Awakening tour. Which I will see. This news is good news, Blake's fantastic {from the audio I heard..shhh}, I've hear mixed things about Kyle but he's pretty and for the most part I've heard good things. (:
I WANT MORE PEOPLE TO HAVE TWITTER. kthxx. And when you do get twitter, sign up for/follow tweetpotato. {Which I heard about on tastyblogsnack.com}

And I want to know how to put a shnazzy banner on the top of my blog. Usually I know these things. But in this case, and in Scribbld's case I get confuzzled. :P


And I painted my nails. Alternating red/blue/green with a yellow peace sign on both thumbs. very shnazzy. But it was crappy nail polish and is already coming off. D:

OH. I need to pimp this youtube user {like he even needs pimping, he's mad popular already}
I'm jealous of him getting 2mil+ views on every video {his most popular has over 5mil} and he's the same age as me. Where is you go on my channel, www.youtube.com/emocass, the only vid that is there is my sister dancing to One Song Glory from Rent. Which has a little over 200 views, sry2say. Anyway, this guy plays this character named Fred, a 6 year old with hyperactivity & anger issues and a alcoholic mom. Hard to explain, just watch it. It's complete randomness and silliness but happens to also be hilarious. :D

I need to burn Spring Awakening for Carol, she wants the music now. (: I wonder if I should burn In The Heights for her too..she liked their performance on the Tonys.

26 June 2008

She spun the stars on her fingernails but it never made her happy

OMG. ME AND CARA ARE GOING TO THE AMERICAN IDOL TOP 10 TOUR IN 6 DAYS!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD WITH DAVID COOK {plus everyone else} BUT OMG. It's seriously gonna be such a fangirly day. We're gonna go out and mob him after and maybe get a picture cuz if we did that would be extremely fabulously incredible. Or at least an autograph or something. But the biggest thing is WE'RE GONNA SEE HIM LIVE! <3333333

So anyway I finished 2 books in 2 days. {well, 3 days but I read one the first day and read nothing the 2nd day then read one the 3rd day, lol} And I def recommend them.
The first is Star Crossed by Mark Schreiber. The 2nd one is Crank by Ellen Hopkins. Both are very good. Crank is written in a veyr stylized, poetic, free-verse style, I envy the author for writing so creatively and shnazzily. Both are kinda intense, Crank being the most intense. But you should read them. !! Kay.

I wrote a poem in like 5 minutes last night. :D BEHOLD


Trash Can
gaudy plastic turquoise cradles
gaudy plastic bottles
cascading down plastic sides
the bottle juts out
r e m i n d e r
haunts me for awhile
u n t i l I
rid myself of it
no more
'til it is once again satiated


Lulzzzz I tried to make a poem about my trash can sound as non-boring as a poem about a trash can can sound. xD Feedback would be nice. (:

And I also am probably gonna post a RENTfic I wrote before NaNoWriMo {which was in November btw}, and it is slash and it is Mark/Roger and there is boykissing, so when I do post it be ~prepared~. :D But it's just fluff&stuff. Nothing bad. And it's really short.


My mom wants to go to the beach today. Eh. I dun really feel like it, but whatever.

21 June 2008

All of our horses were rubber bands...

Omg now 2 of my friends have a blog. THIS IS CRAZYYYY.

http://claire-lillewy.blogspot.com <---Claire's blog
http://buttermytoast.blogspot.com <----Cara's blog

Go look and see.

OH. I jailbroke my iPod Touch yesterday. First I did it using ZiPhone and thought everything was dandy but then my music wouldn't play which made me muy upset indeed. So I restored it back to new and then jailbroke it using iLiberty+. It worked absolutely perfectly, I recommend using it. Also, I reccomend looking here for all the basic apps you need once jailbroken to get the most out of it. :D So far I have the last.fm MobileScrobbler, which is VERY SHNAZZY INDEED, and Tap Tap Revolution, which I haven't played yet. I also have Customize, which I haven't quite figured out yet {I want to hide some stuff on the home screen and jazz} and Summerboard, which I really like, I currently have the Doodles theme which I find amazing. I downloaded a Renaissance theme which I thought would look shnazzy but it didn't show up in the Themes section of Summerboard. CRISIS. but I'm happy with the Doodles theme. Oh, and I also have Make It Mine, which allows you to change the text in the upper left corner of the iPod or iPhone, for example, mine says 'iPod' since that's what it is and then the iPhones say 'AT&T'. I put 'iPwn<3'. SO SHNAZZY! I'm sure you're jealous. (:

I had my dance recital yesterday. It went pretty good, I only messed up a tiiiiiny buit in one part, so that's good, because we were gonna practice our routine before we had to go on but we were lazy and just when we were about to finally practice the people were like 'Time to go perform!!!!!' so that plan didn't work out. But it ended up being fine. So it's all good.

19 June 2008

But mate, even wonderwoman gets tired sometimes.

School's out. This is the first year ever that I want school to NOT end. I've cried like 2 times. D:

And bla @ LoudTwitter not working for this or my Scribbld blogs. That is epic fail.

We went to Wild Rivers yesterday. Twas fun. Me & Cara were greedykids, we got Dippin Dots, and icee and a snow cone. xD And I got sunburnttttt. Badly, but it doesn't hurt too much. Just a little icky on my shoulders. So that's good. (:

OH OH OH. I watched Sweeney Todd yesterday! Finally. It was good. very very bloody. But good. It wasn't scary or icky or anything, thankfully. Really the only time I was afraid was before anything actually happened. After he slit the first guy's throat {Borat, lolll} I was like, 'Oh. This isn't terrible. *watches the rest*' Haha. And I had no idea Johnny Depp could sing. And Snape, lulzzzz. He played a pretty creep-creepy guy, haha. Now I'd like to see the stage show, though I dunno how they'd play all that out onstage, haha. I'm probably gonna get the music, though I don't know whether to get the OBC, the Revival, or the movie album. :P CRISIS.

Oh, I bought a buncha cruncha clothes today. Yayy. Forever 21 FTW. FO SRS. :D
The shirt I'm wearing is very sparkly and is getting glitter everywhere Dx

17 June 2008

It felt so wrong, it felt so right, don't mean I'm in love tonight.

IO hay. I'm kinda lagging on this, cuz I've been over at Scribbld since LJ is blocked and everything. It's kinda lame but the whole LJ layout makes up for it. It's kinda confuzzling, though.

Oh, only 1 more day of middle school. :O Kinda depressing, considering basically everyone I know isn't going to the same high school as me. :( But I'm really excited to go do SOCSA. I went to the showcase, it was 4+ effin' hours. Super long, from 6.30 to like 10.45pm. But everyone pwned hardcore and it was amazing and they did 2 Spring Awakening songs. :D

So a whole lotta crap's been going on at school lately.

We're basically turning into semi-East LA school. I had a hugehuge thing typed up documenting everything I know that happened last week but I decided to not post it. I saved it was a draft though. But it's pretty much resolved, so that's very good. It was really not fun for a while.

But aughhhhhhhh school is done and we're so depressed. NO ONE wants me to go to Dana next year, I've gotten so many death threats and shocked faces and 'No you're not''s and that sort of things. D: It's seriously making me sad. I was practically crying in the car after the day ended, and some of my friends were legitly crying. One of these days it's gonna really hit me and 'm gonna sob. I mean, even this guy I've known since elementary and he's the kinda guy who always acts out with his friends said he didn't want me to leave. But he's nice. And he knew Idina Menzel was in Wicked for some reason. BUT IT'S ALL JUST SO EFFING DEPRESSING. DDDD: Fo srs. I mean, I'm excited to go to SOCSA and all, but blaaaaaa.

So..um..oh oh new music! Shnazzyness and very eclectic-ness abounds. Rilo Kiley, Eisley, All Time Low, The HorrorPops, The Sex Pistols, Panic at the Disco, In The Hiehgts OBCR, Katy Perry, Seven Foot Wave, Forever The Sickest Kids, We The Kings, Liz Phair, Hole, and that's it. Pretty. Odd. {which PWNS.}

CONGRATS TO IN THE HEIGHTS! Such an incredible show I wanna see it so much. The music truly is amazing. They so deserved Best Musical. And I was so glad Lin won Best Score! :D he's so talented, and so young. Their Tony performance pwned muchly too. :D

OH OH OH MY PADRE'S GIRLFRIEND CAROL WHO IS A FLIGHT ATTENDANT WENT TO NYC FOR LIKE THE 6TH TIME AND SAW SPRING AWAKENING. {also got jesse!Hanschen} And I was mega jealous. But she brought me back the Playbill, the program, the bag, a magnet and a T-shirt. So yayyy. but still....JEALOUSLY. She said it was really amazing. And she also brought me back the Playbill, the bag, the program, a T-shirt and a magnet. Very shnazzy indeed.