10 July 2008

I wish I could fly, and magically appear and disappear

Sooo. I'm x-posting this to my IJ. (:

I had this insane dream last night.

Mkay, form what I can remember this happened first. I was wearing an Annaleigh Ashford shirt and was all happy I got it, I have no clue why. Stuff happened that I forgot.
Thennn I was with my sister and dad in some place we were never in before. There was a church, and for some unknown reason we went in it. Which is weird, because my dad /never/ goes to church. I think I had some kind of bad feeling about it. But nothing weird happened that I can remember.
Now's the part I remember most. It was a completely different setting, and I was Mrs. Lovett in Sweeney Todd. no, not a stage production of the show. A real thing. o.0 But there was no barber shop, just a room where Sweeney would kill the people and I remember my job was that if there was more than one person in the room, to distract them so they did not notice the person they were with was being murdered. 0.o I remember there was like, kids in the room and I thought 'I don't think he would kill the children, would he?' I forget if he did or not. But that was the majority of the dream, me aiding Sweeney Todd in murders so we didn't get found out. So that was def an interesting dream. xDD

And Tuesday I saw this musical in Laguna called The Marvelous Wonderettes, it was a cute '50's jukebox musical. With four people in the cast, all girls. It was set in a 1958 prom. It was cute but not theatrical genius or anything. But I did hear that it's going to be Off-Brodway in the fall, kinda cool. [:

1 comment:

Zoe Nadja said...

Gotta love those crazy dreams. Like, seriously.
One night, I forget what musical I was listening to, but it totally worked its way into my dream, whatever it was. XD
P.S. Thanks for the cookies for my fanfiction. :P I haven't written any in ages, but bare totally makes me want to write it again. I don't know why, but there will probably be more coming. XDDDD