04 July 2008

I've been alone with you inside my mind.

I have a new addiction that many may frown upon and many may squee upon. 8D
aka the Flyboys aka Michael Johns/David Cook. I'M SORRY, IT'S JUST SO FANGIRL-WORTHY AND THE FANFICTION IS REALLY REALLY REALLY ADDICTING. Dx It makes me want to write some shnazziness. mkay so dun go buggin meh bout me fandom n pairins n junk kthx.

I'm in the process of uploading the Cookie concert vids to the Tube of the You, so if you want the links, I'll give em to you. :D

I also have nao reserved a small spot in my fangirlness for Michael Johns the Aussie with a quite sexy voice if I do say so myself. Like..srsly go listen to It's All Wrong, But It's All Right. *DED* Or Dream On. Now I have them on my iPod. :D Oh, and the I Don't Want To Miss a Thing Studio Version. Gotta love Cookie. <3 I have fallen hard into the pit of super-fangirliness yet again. Majorly, yo.

Oh, and speaking of Idol RPS, CAKE. I JUST found out about this xD I find it slightly adorable. HERE'S A PHOTOSHOP MANIP SOMEONE DID.

Lulzzzz. But like, seriously, if you go here, there a buncha non-manips full of Cake squeeness. xD

Um, anyway, oh! I got Declan Bennett Live at the Living Room audio and it's quite quite shnazzy. <3Declan<3 I also got RENT audio with Declan Roger and Caren!Mimi, but still needta listen to it. I also got a Next to Normal audio, which everyone says is amazing but still need to listen also.

I also put a shnazzy header at the top of my page! It's kinda craptastic graphics-wise, I made it all by myself without any tuts or anything like textures. Kinda boring, but it'll work for now. :)

Oh, happy 4th of July!!!!! I hope this year's 4th gets shnazzier, it's been boringggg except for the Mavid fanfic abundance, lol.

I'll leave you with this pic cuz it's quite gorg.



Zoe Nadja said...

I like your top banner.

Cara Farley said...

GAHH I need that top banner. You need to show me how to do that. Lol, and your concluding pic looked like he was fat. xD But hey no fangirling over MJ. Well, a little, but save your fangirling mainly for the main course of COOKIES. :DDD And dude, my *&^%*&^(@*&%%$@)#(*&#$^ blocking system hattttes my life and I hate it back vile-ly. UGH. >.<