20 July 2008

Revolution, justice screaming for solution..

U guiz I was so a wild Mormon rave last night. xDDD Well I did go to a dance with my friends at this Mormon church since I have like 4 Mormon friends. Haha. It was actually really fun and there weren't any restrictions on dress, really, I had my Lucky 13 jeans with huge gaping holes in the knees on and my 'emocass' hat. So that was good. And I was very music-y, I had my glittery shirt that has a guitar with wings and then a red jacket with drum sets all over it. [: And they had all kinds of dance/techno/hip-hop music I've never heard of. And they didn't play DotA, how sad. But they did play Metro Station [yey], Miley [ugh] and Cascada. And me and my friends danced very crazily. yey.
But then at the veryvery end when I was all delusional and tired and it was 11 and they were playing the last slow song this guy who was like 16 or 17 was like 'Do you wanna dance?' and me, being the awkwardest person ALIVE is just like '...' and then one of my friends was like 'That's Annaliese's[a girl at our school] brother!' and in the midst of that the situation kinda dissolved and apparently my friends didn't know he asked me and I told them and they were like 'YOU RETARD WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY YES???' D: So it ended kinda fail-ish. Waa. I just hope he didn't think I rejected him x.x Whatever.

It was really long and complicated, it was like these people wanted to steal this stuff and we were like being threatened to be shot or something and I was up on a roof somewhere. Then I was somewhere looking at this piece of paper that looked like a schedule and on one of the timeslot-things it was like 'Michael kisses David' and then right below it it was like 'But they really do the opposite of that' and then below that it was like 'TMZ Aftermath' and so I was confused and was like 'I didn't read about this online! Whuttt.' But now I can say I had some form of Mavid dream. xD

And cryy, no one read/commented on my writing post on IJ or this blog. x.x

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